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Here you will find all the products that we currently have in our shops in Italy and in Switzerland. The indicated Euro prices include the Italian VAT and the Swiss Franks Prices include the Swiss Vat. Any fees for transport, delivery, assembly and custom clearance are not included. If you are interested in any product or you need further information about it please fill the form “richiedi il prodotto” or send an e-mail to  

Baxter Tavolino Jove

Baxter Tavolino Jove  è un piccolo tavolino con struttura e piano realizzati in agglomerato di cemento grigio antracite con graniglia di marmo nero ebano.‎

Utilizzabile anche in spazi outdoor.

Prezzo di Listino: € 1.095

Misure e Finiture:
Misure: diametro 50 cm. / altezza: 50 cm.
Finitura: cemento antracite

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    Online Showroom ultima modifica: 2021-06-24T11:35:58+02:00 da Staff Gruppo Selva