With custom made furniture there is no limit to customisation

Thanks to the Selva carpentry, it is possible to make custom made furniture: cabinets, bookcases, shelves, boiserie and so on. The only limit is your imagination.

The numerically controlled machine and a cutting and engraving laser machine, combined with the craftsmanship of carpenters, make custom furniture made of wood, laminate, MDF and solid wood with millimetre precision and with the typical care of craftsmen.

In all Selva showrooms you will find several examples of custom made furniture and furnishings made by the carpentry.

A rooftop roof, an existing niche, a wall that is not perfectly straightforward – are all familiar situations for interior designers, which can be easily solved with custom made furniture such as a bookcase, a wall cabinet or a boiserie.

To make customised furnishings, the Selva carpentry uses a numerically controlled cutting machine in which you insert a design into the computer that adjusts the machine and cuts every part of the cabinet with millimetre precision, creating holes, cuts and incisions needed to assemble it.

Afterwards, the pieces are sanded and lacquered in a modern paint booth and transported to the packaging department, which prepares them for delivery and assembly at the customer’s home.

Thanks to this, Selva is able to produce very high quality costum made furniture which perfectly meet the customer’s needs. This type of furnishing is highly appreciated by architects and designers who can also create unique designs that are then made by our carpentry: ideas become reality! For real estate agents, the ability to have a business partner who makes large-scale custom made furniture accurate as industrial ones is essential.

Custom made furniture ultima modifica: 2017-07-27T13:04:22+02:00 da simulstudio